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Customer Care

On this page, you will find helpful information on how to submit your artwork, our guidelines for artwork submission, and answers to frequently asked questions.



Who should I contact if I have any questions about the artwork guidelines?

If you have any questions or concerns about the guidelines for submitting artwork, please reach out to the salesperson who originally assisted you with your submission. They will be able to provide more information and assist you with any questions you may have.

Are there any additional costs associated with my artwork?

There is a 20% VAT that will be added onto the cost of printing your artwork. This is a standard tax applied by the government on all goods and services, including printing. It is important to note that this tax is subject to change based on government regulations and the location where the artwork will be printed. Please check with your original salesperson for more detailed information about VAT and any other additional costs that may apply.

Booking & Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

 The placing of an order will be deemed to be an acceptance of our Terms and conditions. There is a 14 day cooling off period before the cancellation of booked spaces.

How do I track my order?

To request an update on your artwork, or for any questions regarding your order, email us at

Supplying Artwork

How should my artwork be sent?

All artworks must be sent in .pdf format, at 300dpi. Please refer to the Artwork section inside our Media Pack, that can be found here 

Design Process

A copy of your artwork made by the design team will be sent to you via Email when completed, with a watermark over. Any changes may still be made at this point if you are not satisfied. This watermark will be taken off when your advert is inside the issue. Copyrights of your artwork may be purchased to be used in other publications, for £10.

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